Thursday, January 23, 2020

Animal Rights, Human Wrongs vs. The Damned Human Race Essays -- Englis

Animal Rights, Human Wrongs vs. The Damned Human Race â€Å"Animal Rights, Human Wrongs† by Tom Regan and â€Å"The Damned Human Race† by Mark Twain are more similar than different. Both of the authors are informing the readers about the mentality of some human beings in regard to animals. One of the authors, Tom Regan provides several examples of the tactics man uses to harm animals. Mark Twain’s method compares so called lower animal to the human being. In both stories, the way that man treats animals is injustice. Tom Regan tells how human beings have developed a more advance technology that will kill a whale in the matter of minutes. When the whale is captured, he fights and struggles with the crew men until his death. The whale is used for things as small as candle wax, perfume, soap, oil, pet food, margarine, and fertilizer. The rest of the remains are disregarded. An innocent animal is killed to provide man with unnecessary products. Similar to the whale, Mark Twain discovered a case when buffalos where hunted and wasted. Some hunters organized a buffalo hunt to eat and for entertainm...

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