Thursday, December 5, 2019

Seven Deadly Sins in Doctor Faustus Essay Example For Students

Seven Deadly Sins in Doctor Faustus Essay Dr Faustus is a short play written by Christopher Marlowe. The play is a masterful insight into the paradoxical soul of mankind and its ironically self inflicted corruption. The play could be classification as a theological allegory. It can be assumed that the play specifically speaks to the religious motivations of the time, but can be adapted to the present as well. Marlowe portrays Faustus ambition as dangerous; it was the cause of his demise. Perhaps Marlowe used the theme of over-ambition as a warning to the audience, who would be likely to be wary of ambition it was looked down on as a negative personality trait in Christian England Calvinism Munteanu, Class notes. An on going theme within the story is the corruption of a soul which is played out through the use of religious beliefs. Specifically, the use of the seven deadly sins is a precursor to man kinds self inflicted death. Marlowe uses sin, redemption and damnation to get his point across to the audience. The sins that Marlowe specifically uses are those of: pride, covetousness, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth and lechery. Theses sins are colourfully displayed through the character traits of Dr Faustus. In the process we view them and can adapt them to our own lives and how they are all parts to the corruption of our souls. Marlowe reflects ambition in the character of Faustus to deter the audience from being ambitious, and over-reaching their place in the laws of the church. Marlowe uses symbols of religion to fill the play such as the use of the dark arts, angles, demons, God, the Devil, quotes from the bible, the symbol of blood, and the use of the seven sins. With the use of these icons he humours the reader he displays the gullibility of even the greatest leaders. In the prologue, Marlowe introduces us to Dr Faustus via the chorus. Here we are told of the life of an ordinary man, born to modest people. This piece tells us that in the new age of the Renaissance, a common-born scholar like Faustus, is as important as any king or warrior, and his story is worthy of being told. Also state is that Dr Faustuss swelling pride will lead to his downfall. Here we are addressed with a precursor of what is about to happen and how it is to be facilitated, again by one mans desire to destroy himself in respect to Godliness. In act one, Marlowe portrays Faustus as being over-ambitious by his turning to magic, which is a much more sinister and much less conventional pursuit than others that he had been discussing previously. Faustus hopes that magic will make him omnipotent and god-like. Through out the next few acts we see Dr Faustus disregard the teachings against the seven deadly sins with his trickery and debauchery. The great doctor Faustus has the seven deadly sins entrenched in his life and they are displayed by his various actions during the play. The first deadly sin was that of pride. Dr Faustus saw himself as in comparison to others in a competitive nature. Pride and vanity are competitive. This was done in Act One when he sits there and tells the audience of his accomplishments and wishes for more glory. The second is covetousness, it is manifested in the play through various actions. Faustus demonstrates this in various scenes, when he evokes the devils magic, the want of a wife, and the overall actions of his character portray his pursuit of knowledge and glory. Usually this sin is manifested through sex, power, or image which demises the self control and can suffocate the soul. It is the self-destructive drive for pleasure which is out of control. Faustus does this when he performs his silly tricks for self indulgence. Wrath is the third sin. Life And Death In John Keats EssayBefore Faustus dies he seems to think he sees the blood of Christ streak across the sky. To Christians the symbol of blood means life and communion of the Christian belief. Christian virtues are being inspected with the use of temptation, and sin. Prominent token head figures are also being scrutinized they are placed in the story for aid or to reveal their sins. With each of these symbols the author adds shock value to the play. Using the head of the Catholic Church for humour is another twist that Marlowe has woven into the play. The pope and his courtiers are being made fun of; they do not see the stupid tricks that are being played on them show their earthy insolence. These people represent the cornerstones of the church; they are being played with, and rendered idiots of the unknown. The use of redemption is the various characters that speak to Faustus and bid him to leave the dark arts and pick up the scriptures or in other words return to Gods light. Even the demonic spirits tell Faustus of the impending horrors of death but he does not abide to the forewarnings. This only shows that mankind has self direction he may chose what he wants to follow. Even if the out come is negative Gods light is usually eternal and all we need is to ask for help. The damnation with in the text is obvious as in the opening scene with the chorus, the death of mans body but worse the death of his soul. His corruption of earthly knowledge and possessions only grants the eternal demise. The main character Dr Faustus is a tragic hero; in the process of the play he destroys himself but in the same step he sarcastically displays the audiences own idiosyncrasies. The on going theme within the story has been the use of religious icons and beliefs. We have seen the use of the seven deadly sins as well as the patriarchs of faith and politics corrupted by a jester in their court. During an in class discussion we were told that the play was written by Marlowe in response to the teachings of John Calvin. Munteanu, 2002. Therefore it can be said that Marlowe is attempting to alter the doctrines his fellow country men with whom are questioning their religions. Marlowe uses the renaissance ideals with the medieval myths to master his point. This work is a forewarning of damnation by those who attempt to alter the doctrines or moral standards, and a beacon of caution to those in search of the unknown. Dr Faustus, the work of good and evil. When man becomes idle his mind wanders and he wants more. With the wealth of knowledge Dr Faustus wanted more, he was no longer content with his academia since they could no longer provide him with wealth and fame as well as fulfill his souls want, he turned to the mastering of the dark arts.

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